Community Self-discipline Convention


Last revision date: April 2023

Avrebo's mission is to inspire creativity and bring joy. We're building a global community where users can create, share, explore the world around them, and connect with people from around the world. We are committed to maintaining a supportive environment for growing communities. Our community handbook sets out a code and common code of conduct for Avrebo to create a safe and friendly space for all users.

At Avrebo, security, diversity, inclusion and truth are our priorities. We encourage our creators to celebrate the things that make them special and our audiences to participate in the things that inspire them; We believe that a safe environment allows people to express themselves generously. We take the global nature of our community very seriously and are trying to think about the breadth of cultural norms from the perspective of the region in which we operate. We also actively encourage the publication of original content, hoping to make Avrebo a truly interactive environment.

Our community self-discipline agreement applies to all users and content on Avrebo. We will use technology and manual review mechanisms to actively implement the terms of the community agreement before potentially violating content is reported. In addition, we also encourage community members to use our tools on Avrebo to report content or accounts that they believe violate the community self-discipline convention.

We will remove all content, including videos, audio files, live broadcasts, images, comments, hyperlinks and other text, that violates our community self-discipline. We will inform the user of our removal decision, and if the user believes that there is no violation, the user can appeal. We will suspend or permanently suspend accounts and/or users involved in serious or repeated violations; we may also refer to information obtained from other platforms and the Internet as a reference for decisions.

We will report to law enforcement authorities where there is a real-world threat of specific, definite and immediate physical harm. The full-featured version of Avrebo is only available for users aged 13 and above, if we suspect that the user of the account does not meet this age, we will disable these accounts. (In the U.S., we have Avrebo for Younger Users software for users under 13, which is a limited application software for younger users with additional child protection and privacy protection mechanisms.)

Trust and security are at the core of our algorithm design. We may reduce the visibility of certain content by altering our search results, or by limiting the distribution of "For You" pages. You can find more information under Restricting Eligibility for Referral Page Posting.

At the same time, we understand that some content that violates the Community Self-Regulatory Convention may be content that is in the public interest. Therefore, in rare cases, we may allow individual exceptions. Examples: educational, scientific, artistic, satirical content, fictional content, counter-speech, or content that allows individuals to express their opinion on important social issues. In order to minimize the potential negative impact of image content, we may first include security measures such as "click confirmation" pages or warnings.

After consulting with relevant people, we will update the community self-discipline agreement from time to time to respond to emerging behaviors and risks at any time, so as to ensure that Avrebo is a safe platform for creativity and joy.

Safety of Minors

We are committed to protecting the safety of minors on our platform. Avrebo regards any user under the age of 18 as a minor. We prohibit any use of Avrebo to cause sustained abuse, harm, harm or exploitation of minors. Any content that describes abuse, exploitation, or harm to minors (including media content that is displayed in animation, digitally produced, or modified) is a violation of regulations on this platform and will be removed once found. We provide child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and related evidence to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and other relevant law enforcement authorities.

Users must meet the minimum age stated in our Terms of Service to use Avrebo. Accounts of minors will be suspended once they are discovered. The safety of minors has always been a design consideration of this platform, so some of our functions have age restrictions. Account holders under the age of 16 cannot receive and send messages, cannot host live broadcasts, and published content will not be pushed to the "Recommended for you" page. In some regions, this age limit may be higher. In addition, account holders under the age of 18 cannot send or receive gifts through the virtual gift function.

Sexual exploitation of minors Avrebo will take action against any behavior related to child sexual abuse material (CSAM) or the sexual exploitation of minors. Sexual exploitation of minors includes any actual or attempted abuse of a minor's vulnerability, vulnerability or trust for sexual purposes (including obtaining monetary, social, sexual or political gain, etc.). Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) is any visual depiction of explicit nudity or sexual activity, whether filmed by adults, peers, or minors themselves.

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Share, repost, offer to trade or sell or direct users to obtain or distribute child sexual abuse material outside the platform
Sexualized content related to minors or content that sexualizes minors (for example: using functions such as co-production videos)
Content that depicts, solicits, promotes, encourages imagery of child sexual abuse, including nudity, sexualizing or having sex with minors
Content that depicts, promotes, normalizes, or glorifies pedophilia or sexual abuse of minors
Content that re-injures or exploits underage victims through reposting or reproduction of violations or confessions by a third party sexually provocative behavior
Sexual grooming is when an adult enters into an emotional relationship with a minor in order to gain the minor's trust for future or ongoing sexual contact, sexual abuse, trafficking, or other exploitation. These behaviors include: courting minors, soliciting contact on or off the platform, requesting personal information, requests for lightly sexually abusive content, sexually alluring or pornographic messages, and gift giving, among others.

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Content that explicitly or implicitly depicts minor sexual activity, including penetrative and non-penetrative sex, oral sex, or intimate kissing
Depiction of content involving the sexual stimulation of minors
Content depicting sexual fetishes involving minors
Content that depicts the exposure of a minor's genitals, buttocks, pubic area, or female nipples
Contains sexually explicit language that describes or portrays minors
Depiction of minors, including sexually explicit lyrics
Depictions of minors performing sexually explicit dances, including swinging hips, shaking breasts, pushing pelvis, or touching their own or another's groin or breasts
Content that depicts minors undressing
Content that depicts minors wearing revealing clothing that is irrelevant to their context
Sexualized comments, emoticons, text, or other images that disguise or suggest nudity or sexual activity by minors
Harmful conduct by minors
We will also remove from the platform any content involving harmful behavior by minors. Harmful behavior by a minor includes possession or use of a minor's controlled substances and controlled substances, abuse of legal drugs, engaging in illegal activities, participation in activities that threaten the minor's health, physical challenges or adventures.

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Content that suggests, depicts, parodies, or promotes the possession or use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs by minors
Content that specifically instructs minors on how to buy, sell, or trade alcohol, tobacco, or controlled drugs
Depiction or promotion of activities that may endanger the health of young people, including physical challenges, adventures, or stunts physical and mental harm to minors
We will also remove any content that causes physical and mental harm to minors from the platform. Behavior that places a minor at risk of physical or psychological harm, including: physical abuse, neglect, child endangerment and psychological harm.

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Content that depicts or promotes physical abuse, neglect, safety hazards, and psychological harm to minors crimes against children

We prohibit any user who has been convicted of a crime against a child from opening an account on the Platform. Child abuse offenses include: sexual assault, sexual harassment, murder, physical abuse and neglect, kidnapping, international parental abduction crimes, trafficking, exploitation of minors for prostitution, online sexual assault of minors, sexual exploitation of minors in the tourism industry , attempting to obtain or distribute child sexual abuse material (CSAM), and producing, possessing or distributing child sexual abuse material (CSAM), etc. Once discovered, we will immediately disable the accounts of these users. Any account holder who self-identifies as a pedophile or a minor sex offender, we will believe their claims and delete the account.

Risky Behaviors and Challenges

We prohibit content that depicts, promotes, normalizes, or glorifies dangerous behavior that could result in serious injury or death. We also don't allow content that promotes or supports group participation in dangerous or harmful activities that in any way violate the community's self-regulatory conventions.

Risky activities or other dangerous behavior are behaviors that may cause serious injury or death to the user or others in a non-professional environment, or without the necessary skills and safety precautions, such as amateur stunts or dangerous challenges Wait.

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Content depicting potentially dangerous tools or items for inappropriate use
Content that describes dangerous driving behavior
Content that depicts or promotes the ingestion of non-edible substances that could cause serious harm
Content that describes or provides detailed instructions on how to conduct the hazardous activity Hazardous games, adventures, challenges or stunts that could result in injury or property damage

Suicide, Self-Injury, and Eating Disorders

We care deeply about the health and well-being of each member of our community. We prohibit content that depicts, promotes, normalizes or glorifies content that may lead to suicide, self-harm or eating disorders. However, we support members of our community in sharing their personal experiences with these issues in a safe manner to raise awareness and seek community support. We also encourage users who are struggling with suicidal or self-harm thoughts, or who know of someone who is seriously considering suicide, to contact local emergency services or a suicide prevention hotline immediately. Avrebo may also notify local emergency services where our intervention can help users who may injure themselves.

Suicide and self harm

We remove content that depicts suicide, contains suicidal tendencies, or may encourage other suicidal or self-harming behaviors. We will also remove content that describes behavior in which someone attempted suicide that could lead to suicide. We prohibit posts that promote, normalize, or glorify suicide in any way, or provide instruction, and portray suicide as a heroic or honorable act. Avrebo may report any situation that poses a specific, definite and immediate threat to someone's life to law enforcement.

We also don't allow content that encourages or promotes suicide or self-harm hoaxes. Such conduct includes warnings that may cause panic and widespread harm. We will remove this warning content, while allowing content to reassure the public and inform the public about the purpose of this hoax.

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Content that depicts, promotes, normalizes, or glorifies suicide or self-harm
Content that provides instructions for suicide or self-harm
Games, adventures, challenges, agreements or pranks involving suicide or self-harm eating disorder
Content that promotes unhealthy eating behaviors or habits that may lead to adverse health outcomes, including expressing a desire for a disordered eating disorder, sharing tips or guidance on an eating disorder, and participating in an unhealthy posture challenge is prohibited on the platform.

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Content that depicts, promotes, normalizes, or glorifies eating disorders
Depicts, promotes, normalizes or glorifies any dangerous weight loss related to eating disorders

Adult Nudity and Sexuality

We are committed to creating a platform that makes users feel friendly and safe. We prohibit anyone from posting nudity, pornography or sexually explicit content on this platform. We also prohibit content that depicts or endorses non-consensual sexual activity, sharing non-consensual intimate images, and adult sexual solicitation.

Sexual Exploitation

Sexual exploitation is any actual or attempted abuse of vulnerability, vulnerability or trust for sexual purposes, including financial, social or political gain from the sexual exploitation of another. We prohibit sexually exploitative content.

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Content that depicts, induces, promotes, normalizes, or glorifies non-consensual sexual activity or non-consensual touching, including rape and sexual assault
Content that depicts, induces, promotes, normalizes, or glorifies the sharing of non-consensual intimate images, including: sexual images taken, produced, or shared without consent
Content that depicts, promotes, normalizes, or glorifies sexual violence
Content that depicts, normalizes, or glorifies sexual solicitation, including: offering or seeking sexual partners, chats or images, sexual services, paid sexual content, or sex cams
Nudity and Sexual Conduct Involving Adults
Nudity and sexual activity includes public display of breasts, genitalia, anus, or buttocks, or acts that mimic, suggest, or demonstrate sexual acts.

We prohibit depictions of nudity or sexual acts, including digitally created or modified content. We are careful to note that certain content may be offensive or culturally offensive in certain regions, or may not be suitable for users of all ages

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Explicit or implied depictions of sexual activity, including penetrative and non-penetrative sex, oral sex, or erotic kissing
Content that depicts sexual stimulation
Content depicting sexual fetishes
Content depicting exposed genitals, buttocks, pubic area, or female nipples
Content containing sexually explicit language for sexual gratification harassment and bullying
We honor an inclusive community where users can express themselves freely without fear of being bullied. We have no tolerance for humiliation, bullying or harassment of members of our community. Abusive content or behavior will be removed if it has a serious impact on mental health.

Abusive behavior

We remove language that expresses abusive language, including threats or insults intended to ridicule, insult, embarrass, intimidate, or hurt an individual. This limitation applies to all functions of Avrebo. To allow users to express issues of public interest, we allow personal judgments about public figures; however, we prohibit content that strongly abuses public figures.

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Content that insults or demeans another person based on traits such as intelligence, appearance, personality traits, or health
Content that encourages coordinated harassment
Content that demeans victims of violence
Use Avrebo interactive features such as co-production videos to demean others Content that depicts intentional harm or intimidation, such as cyberstalking or online trolling
Content that expects death, serious illness, or other serious harm to an individual sexual harassment
Sexual harassment includes unwanted or inappropriate sexual conduct directed at another person. We prohibit any content that glorifies, normalizes, or promotes sexual harassment, regardless of user intent.

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Content that attempts to engage in unwanted sexual contact
Content that demeans another's sexuality
Content that simulates sexual activity with another person through voice, text (including emoticons), or use of any in-app functionality
Content that modifies or distorts images of others to depict or suggest sexual advances or acts
Content that reveals or threatens to reveal details of someone's private sexual life, including digital content, sexual history, and names of former sexual partners
Reveal or threaten to reveal someone's sexual orientation without their consent
Threats of Hacking, Bounty Hunting, and Extortion
Threats of hacking or sex-searching others with the intent to harass or blackmail them can cause serious emotional distress and other real-life harm to others. Rousou is the act of maliciously collecting and publishing personal or personally identifiable information. We consider these acts to be violent and prohibit them on this platform.

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Content that may reveal personal or personally identifiable data, including: residential addresses, private email addresses, private phone numbers, bank statements, social security numbers, national ID numbers, or passport numbers, etc. Content that threatens to blackmail or hack into someone else's account Content that incites or encourages others to hack or disclose another person's account, profile, or personally identifiable information a person's personal account number, data or identity data and encourages others to abuse, troll or harass that person acts of hate Avrebo is a diverse and inclusive community with zero tolerance for discrimination. We prohibit and will remove content that contains hate speech or acts of hate. We will disable accounts that involve hate speech and/or are associated with severe or repeated hate speech outside of the Avrebo platform.

Attacks and Defamation Targeting Protected Issues

Content that attacks, threatens, incites violence, or otherwise dehumanizes individuals or groups of people on the following topics is considered hate speech or conduct and will be removed from the platform:

Country of Citizenship
sexual orientation
biological sex
gender identity
serious illness
immigration status

Defamation is a derogatory term intended to belittle a group or individual with any of the above-mentioned protected qualities. In order to most effectively reduce the spread of offensive terms, we remove all defamatory content from our platform unless the terms are reappropriated, self-referential (e.g. self-used by members of a protected group), or not derogatory . (e.g. content posted for educational purposes)

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Content that asserts that individuals or groups of people with protected qualities are physically, mentally, or morally inferior to others, or that deem them criminals, animals, inanimate objects, or other non-human bodies Content that promotes or justifies violence, exclusion, segregation, or discrimination against them Contains content that is not self-referentially defamatory Content that targets transgender or non-binary people through incorrect gender classification or misnomering Content that depicts harm caused to an individual or group of individuals by targeting protected traits hate ideology The ideology of hate is the manifest hostility of others because of the qualities that should be protected. Hateful ideologies are not consistent with the inclusive and supportive community that this platform provides, and content promoting these ideologies will be removed.

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Content that glorifies, promotes, glorifies or supports any hateful ideology (e.g. white supremacy, misogyny, anti-LGBTQ, anti-Semitism) Content that contains names, symbols, logos, flags, slogans, uniforms, gestures, salutes, illustrations, portraits, songs, music, lyrics, or other objects representing hate ideologies. Content that advocates, supports, or advertises sexual orientation therapy and related programs Content that denies well-documented incidents of violence affecting groups with protected attributes (Holocaust denial) claim superiority over groups with protected traits Conspiracy Theories Used to Justify Hateful Ideologies

violent extremism

We firmly oppose the use of violence both on and off the Avrebo platform. We prohibit users from using this platform to threaten others or incite violence, or to promote violent extreme individuals, organizations or actions. If it poses a threat to public safety or uses an account to promote or beautify violence off-platform, we will disable the account and report it to relevant law enforcement agencies when necessary. In order to effectively protect our community, we may refer to behavior on other platforms to identify violent extremist organizations and individuals on the platform. If we find such organizations or individuals on Avrebo, we will disable their accounts.

Threats and Incitement to Violence

We consider inciting violence to be advocating, directing or encouraging others to commit violence. We prohibit the use of threats of violence or incitement to violence on the Platform where serious physical harm may result.

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Statements intended to cause physical harm to an individual or group Statements or images that encourage others to commit or promote violence Statements that condition or intend to encourage violence A call to bring a weapon to a location with the intent to intimidate or threaten an individual or group with violence Guidelines for the manufacture and use of weapons that incite violence Violent extremist organizations and individuals We prohibit individuals or organizations that promote or engage in violence on our platform, including: terrorist organizations, organized hate groups, criminal organizations, and other non-state armed groups that target civilians.

Terrorist Organization

Terrorists and terrorist organizations are non-state actors who threaten violence, use violence and/or commit serious crimes against civilians (such as crimes against humanity) in pursuit of political, religious, racial or ideological goals.

Organized Hatred

"Organizational hatred" is the attack by individuals and organizations on the basis of protected characteristics, such as race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, or immigration status. We consider attacks to include acts that incite violence or hatred, intend to dehumanize an individual or group, or harbor a hateful ideology.

Criminal Organization

A criminal organization is a transnational, national or local group that engages in serious crimes, including violent crime (e.g. homicide, rape, robbery, assault), trafficking (e.g. human, organs, drugs, weapons), kidnapping, financial crime ( such as extortion, extortion, fraud, money laundering) or cybercrime, etc.

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Content that glorifies, promotes, glorifies, or supports violent or extremist individuals and/or organizations Content that encourages or seeks to recruit individuals to join violent or extremist groups Content containing names, symbols, logos, flags, slogans, uniforms, gestures, salutes, illustrations, likenesses, songs, music, lyrics, or other objects representing dangerous individuals and/or organizations Integrity and Authenticity We believe that trust is the cornerstone of this community. We prohibit activities that may compromise the integrity of the platform or the authenticity of users. We remove misleading information that involves spam or fake engagement, impersonation, or causes serious harm

Spam and Fake Engagement

False participation includes any content or activity intended to artificially increase the popularity of the platform. We prohibit any attempt to manipulate the platform to increase engagement.

Do not:

Share instructions on how to artificially increase views, likes, followers, shares or comments Participate in selling or buying clicks, likes, followers, shares or comments Advertise artificial traffic production services Operating multiple fake or fraudulent Avrebo accounts to spread commercial spam Create malware or modify program code to artificially increase views, likes, followers, shares or comments

Fake Name

We prohibit creating accounts that impersonate other people or entities. Once the counterfeit report is confirmed, we may ask the user to modify the personal information, and may also disable the account. However, if the account is clearly a fan, comment or parody account, if it is indicated in the user name and has nothing to do with the character, we will allow the existence of parody, comment or fan accounts.

Do not: Participate in falsification (e.g. use of multiple accounts) to influence and change public opinion while misleading individuals, the community and the system about the identity, location or purpose of accounts

Harmful Misinformation

Error messages are incorrect or erroneous content. We will remove any misinformation, regardless of intent, that causes significant harm to an individual, community, or society at large. Significant injury includes serious bodily injury, illness, or death; severe psychological trauma; massive property damage; and disruption of public trust in civic institutions and processes, such as government, electoral, and scientific institutions. This does not include simply incorrect information, myths or commercial and reputational damage.

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Misinformation that promotes hatred or bigotry Misinformation related to an emergency that will cause panic False medical information that could harm an individual's physical health Content that misleads community members about elections or other civic engagement processes Attacks specific protected groups, or includes conspiracy theory content that calls for violent action, or denies that violent or tragic events occurred Digital falsification (synthetic or modified media) that misleads users by distorting the truth of events and causes harm to the protagonist of the film, others, or society DO NOT: Participate in falsification (e.g. use of multiple accounts) to influence and change public opinion while misleading individuals, the community and the system about the identity, location or purpose of accounts

Illegal Acts and Controlled Substances

We are committed to ensuring that no activities that violate laws or regulations occur on the Avrebo platform. We prohibit the trade, sale, promotion and use of certain regulated products, as well as the promotion or facilitation of criminal activity, including human exploitation. Content may be removed for activities or products that are regulated or illegal globally or in most regions.

criminal behavior

Criminal conduct involves a variety of conduct punishable by law, including: theft, assault, human exploitation, counterfeiting, and other harmful conduct. To prevent these behaviors from being normalized, parodied or promoted, we remove content that promotes or supports criminal behavior

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Content that promotes acts of physical harm, such as assault or kidnapping Content that may endanger the safety of others, including: false alarms Content that promotes human exploitation, including: human smuggling, bonded labor, domestic servitude, sex trafficking, or prostitution Content that promotes vandalism or damage to property Content that promotes poaching or the illegal trade in wildlife Offers to buy, sell, trade, or solicit illegally obtained or counterfeit goods Content that provides guidance on how to conduct criminal activity that causes damage to people, animals or property


Weapons We prohibit the depiction, promotion, or trade in firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition, or explosive weapons. We also prohibit crafting guides for these weapons. We allow depictions of weapons in educational settings (eg, as part of a museum collection), with the involvement of authorized government personnel (eg, police), or when used in a safe and controlled environment (eg, shooting range, recreational hunting).

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Content featuring firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition, or explosive weapons Offers to buy, sell, trade, or solicit the use of, or instructions for making, firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition, or explosive weapons

Drugs, Controlled Substances, Alcohol & Tobacco

We prohibit the depiction, promotion, or dealing in drugs or other controlled substances. Trading of tobacco and alcohol products is also prohibited on the platform.

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Content that depicts or promotes drugs, uses drugs, or encourages the manufacture, use, or trade of drugs or other controlled substances Offers to buy, sell, trade or encourage the use of narcotics or other controlled drugs, alcohol or tobacco products (including vape products, smokeless or combustible tobacco products, synthetic nicotine products, electronic cigarettes and other EDNS [electronic nicotine delivery systems]) Content Provides how to buy illegal or controlled drugs Content that depicts or promotes the abuse of legal drugs or the creation of homemade drugs with the intent to become addicted Fraud and Scams We prohibit anyone from using this platform and taking advantage of users' trust to cause property or personal harm to others. We remove content that defrauds others for illegal financial or personal gain, including schemes to defraud individuals or steal assets.

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Content promoting phishing

Content that promotes Ponzi schemes, multi-level schemes, or rat societies (pyramid schemes) Content that promotes guaranteed high payouts, fixed-odds betting, or any other type of fraudulent investment scheme gamble We prohibit the promotion of gambling services, or content that could be viewed as an advertisement for casinos, sports betting, or any other commercial gambling activity.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share: Content that promotes casinos, sports betting, poker, lotto, gambling-related software and applications, or other gambling services

Privacy, Personal Data and Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

We prohibit content that violates the confidentiality of personal or personally identifiable data (such as ID information, phone numbers, physical addresses, etc.). We will remove content that depicts personal and personally identifiable information from the platform

Do not post, upload, live stream or share: Content that contains personal data and personally identifiable information (PII)

Violence and Gore

Avrebo is a platform that celebrates creativity over scare value or violence. We prohibit gruesome, gory, sadistic or gruesome content on our platform, or content that promotes, normalizes or glorifies extreme violence or suffering. If it poses a threat to public safety, we will suspend or deactivate the account and report it to relevant law enforcement agencies when necessary.

Do not post, upload, live stream or share:

Post, upload, stream, or share: Content that depicts: Violent or bloody death or accident Dismembered, mutilated, charred or incinerated human remains Focus on open wounds or blood stains from injuries Real-world physical violence and fighting, as well as torture in real and fictional settings Content that depicts the following animals: Animals slaughtered or otherwise unnaturally killed Mutilated, mutilated, charred or burnt remains of animals animal cruelty and its blood Copyright and Trademark Infringement Copyright is a legal right intended to protect an author's original work of work (eg, music, film) and original concept of expression (eg, a particular way of expressing or making a film or music), but not the underlying idea or fact. A trademark is a word, symbol, slogan or design that marks and distinguishes the source of a product or service. We encourage everyone to create and share original content. This platform prohibits any content that infringes the intellectual property rights of others. Once found, we will remove it. Using a copyrighted work under certain circumstances, such as the doctrine of fair use or other applicable laws, or citing a trademark, legally commenting, criticizing, parodying, creating a fan page, or reviewing a product or service may not be considered a violation of our content of the policy.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share: Content that violates or infringes upon the copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights of others

platform security

Avrebo's top priority is the safety and security of our users, creators, partners, suppliers and employee data, including their personal information, account numbers, files, content and other private information, as well as our products and services. We do not allow unauthorized access to the Avrebo Platform (including our website, applications, network and related infrastructure or networks), or access to sensitive commercial or personal confidential information. We expressly prohibit any attempt to undermine or abuse the security, integrity or reliability of our platforms, products or services.

Do not:

Attempt to gain access to the Avrebo platform in an unauthorized manner, do not create false or misleading versions of the Avrebo platform Create or distribute malicious files, content or messages that contain viruses, Trojan horses, computer worms, logic bombs or other material that may be harmful to the community or platform Use automated scripts, web crawlers, software, spoofing techniques, or any other means to attempt to harvest, obtain, or request login credentials or other sensitive information, including non-public data, from Avrebo or its users False or fraudulent use of Avrebo accounts to spread spam, phishing or scam content in an attempt to commit cybercrime or gain unauthorized access to another's content, accounts, systems or data Modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, or create any derivative work based on Avrebo, including any document, form, or document, or attempt to reproduce any source program, algorithm, method, or technique contained in Avrebo Provide others with access to your account credentials, or allow others to take actions that violate our Community Self-Regulatory Pact Click on suspicious hyperlinks or engage in requests for Avrebo account details, passwords, verification eligibility, financial or other personal information about you Restrict the eligibility for posting recommended pages for you The goal of the For You Feed page is to fulfill our mission to inspire creativity and bring joy to diverse communities around the world. The page recommended for you by each account user is based on a personalized recommendation system. Our recommendation system is designed with user safety in mind, which means that some content may not be eligible for recommendations. While ideas for you are what makes Avrebo great, it's recommended for an audience that includes everyone from our teenage users, to our great-grandparents. We will consider the breadth of the audience to determine which content is eligible to be pushed on the platform through algorithms. While not in violation of local laws, we may allow the following types of content to appear on our platform, be searched for, and be viewed in the "Follow" feed, although some content may not be eligible for recommendation for you .

minor safety

A minor's sense of judgment and identity matures as they grow. In an effort to give teens more room to explore and express their identities in digital spaces, user-uploaded content under the age of 16 is not eligible to be recommended for you. Additionally, we strive to encourage healthy development at all ages. Recommending cosmetic surgery for minors may lead to higher rates of body dissatisfaction. Therefore, this type of content (including before and after surgery videos, surgery videos, and content discussing elective cosmetic surgery without risk warnings) does not qualify as recommended for you by all users under the age of 18.

Dangerous stunts and sports

Reproducing certain activities without safety precautions may present risks or hazards and may result in bodily injury. Content that includes dangerous stunts or extreme sports performed by non-professionals may not be eligible to recommend pages for you. (We remove content that depicts dangerous behaviors and challenges performed by non-professionals that could result in serious injury or death to users or the public).

Explicit sexual content

We understand that not all content is suitable for all users (especially our teenage users) and/or may be culturally inappropriate in some regions. In order to provide a comfortable and age-appropriate experience for all users, sexually explicit content may not be eligible to be recommended for you. This includes content depicting implied nudity, the sexualization of body parts, or overtly sexual or carnal content such as striptease.

Tobacco and Alcohol Products

Avrebo is committed to protecting the safety of minors on our platform. Content that promotes, refers to, or depicts alcohol products in a dangerous manner to persons of legal drinking age may not be eligible for recommendation. Content depicting adult use of tobacco products or references to regulated substances is also not eligible. Additionally, Avrebo prohibits content that suggests, depicts, imitates, or promotes the possession or consumption of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs by minors. Our Community Guidelines also prohibit content that addresses minors with instructions on how to buy, sell, or trade alcohol, tobacco, or controlled substances.

Violence and Graphic Content

Our community celebrates creativity, but not everyone likes shocking values. Content likely to cause discomfort, shock, or disgust to viewers may not be eligible to recommend a page for you, including horror effects, sudden shocks, make-up that realistically replicate bloody wounds, or depictions of bodily functions. Most violent and graphic content is prohibited on Avrebo; however, in some cases, we may not remove some of this content, for example, when it is in the public interest to record real events or image descriptions of battles. Because this content is not suitable for all audiences, it is not eligible to suggest pages for you and will contain a "confirm click" page or warning.

Spam, Inauthentic or Misleading Content

We value authenticity and accuracy. Anything that tricks or manipulates users to improperly increase followers, likes, views, or other metrics of engagement on the platform is not eligible to recommend pages for you, including follow-to-follow, like-to- like or manipulate users to like or share. Conspiracy content that goes against generally accepted belief and places blame on a group or entity (rather than any individual person), or harmful content that is ongoing, details of which are still developing and potentially misleading, also does not qualify for recommendation.

Unoriginal, Low-quality Content with QR Codes

Original and entertaining content is a core building block of the Avrebo community. In order to maintain a positive user experience on the Avrebo platform, unoriginal and low-quality content is not eligible for recommendation. If content is imported or uploaded from Avrebo, other platforms, or other sources (including TV, film, or webcasts), and no new, creative edits have been added by the user, we consider it non-original content. One indicator that the content is not original is a visible watermark or overlay. Low-quality content includes extremely short clips, still images, and entirely GIF-based movies. Content containing a QR code is generally not eligible to recommend pages for you because it may direct users to harmful websites or applications, but exceptions are made in certain cases where the risk is low (e.g. e-commerce) .

Thank you for being a part of our vibrant global community and joining us in providing a welcoming space for all users. If you find content or accounts that you think may violate our community self-discipline convention, please let us know so that we can review and take appropriate measures.